What is Wine with Soul?

I’ve bought it, poured it and it’s at the perfect temperature… now what?
The easiest way to to improve your wine experience is to make sure you drink it at the correct temperature equally one of the best ways to spoil your enjoyment of your new purchase is to drink it at the wrong temperature.
Why is the temperature of wine so important? Well put simply it’s all about aromas and tannins.

The acids in white wines and tannins in red wines behave differently at different temperatures. Serve a white wine too cold and you shut its aromas down and prevent its flavours from shining through. Serving wine too cold is also a trick used to hide poor quality white, you have been warned.
With red wines if it’s too warm its tannins might get all loose—making it flabby and alcoholic.
As general rules of thumb if the wine burns your nose with the smell of alcohol, it might be too warm. Try cooling it down. If the wine doesn’t have any flavour, try warming it up. (Common if you store your reds in the fridge)
Sparkling wines taste great ice-cold, but it’s important to allow higher-quality examples (i.e. vintage Champagne) to warm up a bit to let out their aromas. Experiment on Your Own.
Personal preference also affects what flavors and aromas of the wine you’ll smell.
If you like drinking everything ice cold, go for it, but check out what you might be missing at warmer temps first. If you store your white wine a in the fridge, pull them out about ½ hour before serving. And let your wines breath…